1 | 7,460 | 4,673 | unimidi | Platform independent realtime MIDI input and output for Ruby |
2 | 20,724 | 63,432 | midi-topaz | A tempo source that is capable of synchronizing with MIDI clocks. |
3 | 21,525 | 18,158 | midi-message | Objects and classes for dealing with MIDI messages. |
4 | 22,763 | 41,916 | ffi-coremidi | Perform realtime MIDI IO with Ruby for OSX |
5 | 33,311 | 63,432 | midi-nibbler | A utility for parsing MIDI messages from various types of input |
6 | 34,223 | 41,916 | midi-eye | Process realtime MIDI input with Ruby. |
7 | 35,593 | 41,916 | midi-jruby | Realtime MIDI IO with JRuby using the javax.sound.midi API |
8 | 38,592 | 63,432 | web-repl | Javascript/Web REPL in Ruby |
9 | 39,418 | 63,432 | basic-sequencer | Perform a sequence of events at tempo in Ruby |
10 | 39,672 | 41,916 | diamond | A MIDI arpeggiator in Ruby |
11 | 39,944 | 63,432 | micromidi | A Ruby DSL for MIDI |
12 | 40,948 | 63,432 | mmplayer | Control MPlayer with MIDI |
13 | 43,524 | 41,916 | alsa-rawmidi | Realtime MIDI IO with Ruby for Linux via the ALSA RawMIDI API. |
14 | 49,528 | 63,432 | analog | Scale a number from one range or set to another |
15 | 49,886 | 63,432 | midi-instrument | Core MIDI instrument functionality in Ruby |
16 | 53,118 | 63,432 | midi-fx | Process MIDI messages in Ruby |
17 | 53,242 | 63,432 | patch | Universally patch controller messages such as MIDI and OSC between devices |
18 | 54,305 | 63,432 | viddl | Use Viddl to quickly download, cut, crop and resize video clips using youtube-dl and ff... |
19 | 57,061 | 41,916 | audio-playback | Play audio files at the command line or using Ruby |
20 | 61,751 | 41,916 | midi-winmm | Realtime MIDI IO with Ruby in Windows/Cygwin using the WinMM system API |
21 | 69,627 | 63,432 | mvlc | Control VLC Media Player with MIDI |
22 | 74,688 | 63,432 | midi | A Ruby DSL for MIDI |
23 | 85,676 | 63,432 | passifier | Generate Apple Passbook passes in Ruby |
24 | 112,410 | 18,158 | pulse-analysis | Measure pulse timing accuracy in an audio file. Use to measure the timing accuracy of ... |
25 | 117,445 | 63,432 | crontest | ruby command line tool/library for testing cron jobs |
26 | 117,834 | 63,432 | osc-access | A simple way to bind OSC directly to Ruby classes and objects |
27 | 130,378 | 63,432 | micro-osc | A Ruby DSL for OSC |
28 | 171,701 | 63,432 | minidisc | Mini service discovery |