Ingy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,46940,825packagePackage is a general purpose tool for creating new packages.
28,35410,699scim-query-filter-parserA parser for SCIM filter queries. Specced here:
370,14423,550yamlscriptProgram in YAML — Code is Data
480,69560,975pegexPegex is a Acmeist parser framework. It allows you to easily create parsers that will w...
584,25060,975peglitePegLite is a very simple framework for creating your own PEG parsers.
6102,80660,975jsonyJSONY is a data language that is simlar to JSON, just more chill. All valid JSON is als...
7104,56660,975testmlTestML is an Acmeist testing framework.
8104,91560,975wxyzXXX lets you see your data in the nude.
9108,18360,975test-morePort of Perl's Test::More TAP test framework.
10137,55660,975testml-liteTestML is an Acmeist testing framework. TestML::Lite is smaller bootstrap version of Te...
11139,42660,975testml-commandRun TestML as a general purpose programming language.
12178,41660,975ingy-preludeIngy döt Net's Standard Prelude
13180,70460,975yamlstarA cross-language, common API YAML reference framework
14180,89760,975lingyProgram in YAML