#45452's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5041,776asset_syncAfter you run assets:precompile your compiled assets will be synchronised with your S3 ...
216,03128,297cardboardfishRuby API for Cardboardfish SMS http://www.cardboardfish.com
344,46246,777green_lightSimple client side validation that keeps validation in the models
448,57246,777validator.nuruby client library for the validator.nu HTML5 validation API
567,21337,265compass-squaregrid-pluginThe Square Grid System is a simple grid system for designers and developers http://thes...
697,448117,678validates_as_uk_postcodeA library for validating uk postcodes
7112,35368,530beer_mappingAllows you to find where pubs are, how they are rating etc.
8127,91397,080recipe_puppySearch for recipes by name or by the ingredients it contains
9129,02097,080is_addressableAdds addressable attributes to a model
10131,27797,080nutsInstall fonts from fontsquirrel.com with ease
11134,01497,080simple_templateVery simple template language for text output.