1 | 2,120 | 2,143 | git_diff_parser | Parse `git diff` into patches and lines. |
2 | 4,151 | 4,049 | uri-ssh_git | Parse and build ssh format url. |
3 | 4,377 | 4,243 | git_clone_url | This supports https protocol, git protocol and ssh protocol. |
4 | 4,526 | 4,267 | checkstyle_filter-git | Filter errors(checkstyle) by git diff. |
5 | 4,544 | 4,277 | saddler-reporter-text | Text reporter for saddler. |
6 | 4,546 | 4,273 | saddler | Saddler. |
7 | 4,552 | 4,294 | saddler-reporter-github | Saddler reporter for GitHub. |
8 | 4,564 | 4,287 | saddler-reporter-support-git | Utilities for Saddler reporter and git repository. |
9 | 4,580 | 4,315 | env_branch | Get BRANCH_NAME from environment variables. |
10 | 4,597 | 4,315 | saddler-reporter-support | Interface for saddler-reporter. And utilities for saddler-reporter. |
11 | 4,661 | 4,309 | env_pull_request | Get PULL_REQUEST_ID from environment variables. |
12 | 4,692 | 4,319 | natural_number_string | Check the value is string of natural number. |
13 | 4,935 | 4,709 | restore_bundled_with | We should use latest Bundler, but sometimes we are afraid we have to use older Bundler.... |
14 | 5,047 | 3,829 | view_source_map | This is a Rails plugin to insert the path name of a rendered partial view as HTML comme... |
15 | 6,916 | 11,448 | rubocop-select | Pipe between git diff and rubocop. |
16 | 15,215 | 18,431 | tachikoma | Interval pull requester with bundler/carton/david/cocoapods/composer/none update. |
17 | 22,233 | 26,667 | actionview-link_to_blank | Alias link_to with target _blank |
18 | 22,233 | 15,076 | parse_gemspec | Parse *.gemspec file. Convert to Ruby Hash object. |
19 | 23,231 | 51,488 | github_status_notifier | Easy to handle GitHub status with exit status. Like TravisCI's build status. |
20 | 36,143 | 14,593 | parse_gemspec-cli | CLI for parsing *.gemspec file. Convert to JSON format. |
21 | 37,730 | 32,595 | mami | Command for date |
22 | 40,918 | 18,431 | pull_request-create | Create pull request with few configuration. |
23 | 43,623 | 16,613 | compare_linker_wrapper | CompareLinker CLI wrapper. |
24 | 58,606 | 51,488 | actionview-link_to_block | Link to with block |
25 | 63,266 | 129,735 | rubygems-code_finder | Find repos from api.rubygems.org response, gem spec, github search, etc. |
26 | 68,526 | 32,595 | age | Show your age. |
27 | 73,514 | 32,595 | git_httpsable-push | `git push` to https repo securely. |
28 | 77,741 | 51,488 | awesome_scrub | Wrap String#scrub preventing Invalid byte sequence in UTF-8. |
29 | 83,164 | 51,488 | cron_for_github | The interval build comes. |
30 | 102,392 | 129,735 | text_to_checkstyle | Transform text format to checkstyle format. |
31 | 110,155 | 51,488 | gemfile_arranger | Sort gems, fix indent, etc. |
32 | 114,721 | 129,735 | unparser-cli_wrapper | Replace "-" with STDIN like unix option. |
33 | 114,986 | 129,735 | parser-cli_wrapper | Replace "-" with STDIN like unix option. |
34 | 128,890 | 51,488 | screenout | attatch on GNU Screen's status line |
35 | 130,978 | 32,595 | bundler-update_stdout | Print a result of bundle update Gemfile.lock. |
36 | 144,830 | 129,735 | restore_from_repository | Write a longer description or delete this line. |