#45467's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,54229,512evalhookAlternate eval which hook all methods executed in the evaluated code
26,72729,512shikashishikashi is a ruby sandbox that permits the execution of "unprivileged" scripts by defi...
36,78329,512partialrubyRuby partial interpreter written in pure-ruby
46,79316,557getsourceGet the source file path of the implementation of a given method
518,51851,220fastrubyfast execution of ruby code
642,74229,512imagerubyflexible and easy to use ruby gem for image processing
742,76251,220rallhookAllow hooking of all method invocations transparently to control and / or monitor the b...
844,89751,220define_method_handlerChain of responsability implementation in a ruby fashion way. See README for examples
953,53751,220dslisprbLisp interpreter written in ruby, using code generation
1094,02351,220imageruby-bmp-cProvides the encoder and decoder for images in bmp format (written in C)
1194,77651,220imageruby-devilBridge between ImageRuby and Devil image library
12100,59923,838to_erbHaml to erb conversion tool
13105,35851,220imageruby-bmpProvides the encoder and decoder for images in bmp format
14120,25851,220evalmimicEvalmimic allow the implementation of eval like methods, solves the common problem of b...
15127,20129,512ruby-cymbolResolv libruby.so exports and debug symbols to relative offsets
16127,37551,220imageruby-cC implementation of some of the ImageRuby methods
17132,40151,220picotestTest pico framework. One-line test suite