Eallam's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8913,377font_assetsImprove font serving in Rails 3.1
229,86732,595jruby_sandboxA version of _why's Freaky Freaky Sandbox for JRuby.
331,47251,488azebikiA DSL for validating HTML
441,80821,034rubycopStatically analyze Ruby and neutralize nefarious code
543,47951,488aws_sam_yarn_builderA command line program to produce builds for aws-sam-cli for nodejs/yarn projects
646,398129,735ruby_copStatically analyze Ruby and neutralize nefarious code
771,75651,488execjs-asyncEnables Asynchronous Javascript Execution in ExecJS
873,85826,667gisterProvides a Middleware to cache embedded gist content
981,883129,735open_badgesWork with OpenBadges Issuer API
1088,15351,488asset_access_controlSet Access Control headers on asset requests in Rails 3.1
11127,96951,488code_school_courseCode School course framework