Dewski's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,228826peekTake a peek into your Rails application.
24,31713,506peek-mysql2Take a peek into the MySQL queries made during your application's requests.
34,8216,872peek-rblineprofPeek into how much each line of your Rails application takes throughout a request.
44,88933,893peek-redisTake a peek into the Redis calls made within your Rails application.
55,12713,506peek-gcTake a peek into the GC info of your Rails application.
65,26511,862peek-performance_barTake a peek into the MySQL queries made during your application's requests.
75,30725,716peek-pgTake a peek into the Postgres queries made during your application's requests.
85,76119,101json_builderRails provides an excellent XML Builder by default to build RSS and ATOM feeds, but not...
97,35513,506peek-gitTake a peek into the Git info of your Rails application.
109,30123,402peek-dalliTake a peek into the Memcache commands made through Dalli during your application's req...
1112,69541,086cased-rubyRuby library for Cased
1213,15111,358mail_gateMailGate is an additional delivery method for the Mail gem that lets you restrict the d...
1313,98161,367dotpathdotpath gives you utilities to navigate and modify hashes and arrays in Ruby with the J...
1413,99461,367cased-railsRuby on Rails SDK/client library for Cased
1517,62861,367kss-railsRails 3 engine to provide a living styleguide from Kyle Neath's KSS.
1624,72461,367itunesiTunes API
1734,68625,716peek-resqueTake a peek into your Resque queues and workers.
1854,86061,367glimpseProvide a glimpse into your Rails application.
1976,24461,367glimpse-redisProvide a glimpse into the Redis calls made within your Rails application.
2078,47761,367argonautJSON Builder
2178,96561,367glimpse-performance_barProvide a glimpse into the MySQL queries made during your application's requests.
2279,88733,893peek-mongoTake a peek into the Mongo commands made within your Rails application.
2380,81361,367glimpse-mongoProvide a glimpse into the Mongo commands made within your Rails application.
2481,38561,367progressiveA lightweight ActiveModel backed state machine.
2583,72261,367bkwld-paper_trailTrack changes to your models' data. Good for auditing or versioning.
2692,85661,367glimpse-gitProvide a glimpse into the Git info of your Rails application.
2795,61261,367glimpse-mysql2Provide a glimpse into the MySQL queries made during your application's requests.
2899,77361,367glimpse-dalliProvide a glimpse into the Memcache commands made through Dalli during your application...
29100,39261,367glimpse-pgProvide a glimpse into the Postgres queries made during your application's requests.
30123,86161,367cached_bitlyAn easy Bitly toolkit with Redis being the caching layer.
31135,25461,367glimpse-resqueProvide a glimpse into your Resque queues and workers.
32168,15261,367webhooks-railsA Rails engine to configure and deliver webhooks.
33169,44761,367rails-approvalsAdd an approval process to rails console in production.
34169,55461,367pubattlegroundsPUBG API wrapper
35180,69661,367active_denormalizeDescription of ActiveDenormalize.
36182,77061,367singledevSingle dev