Dewski's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,198941peekTake a peek into your Rails application.
24,39713,456peek-mysql2Take a peek into the MySQL queries made during your application's requests.
34,8968,783peek-rblineprofPeek into how much each line of your Rails application takes throughout a request.
44,98359,086peek-redisTake a peek into the Redis calls made within your Rails application.
55,25014,267peek-gcTake a peek into the GC info of your Rails application.
65,36913,960peek-performance_barTake a peek into the MySQL queries made during your application's requests.
75,42335,677peek-pgTake a peek into the Postgres queries made during your application's requests.
85,86116,885json_builderRails provides an excellent XML Builder by default to build RSS and ATOM feeds, but not...
97,66714,267peek-gitTake a peek into the Git info of your Rails application.
109,47224,889peek-dalliTake a peek into the Memcache commands made through Dalli during your application's req...
1112,92459,086cased-rubyRuby library for Cased
1213,29413,026mail_gateMailGate is an additional delivery method for the Mail gem that lets you restrict the d...
1314,21424,889cased-railsRuby on Rails SDK/client library for Cased
1414,23559,086dotpathdotpath gives you utilities to navigate and modify hashes and arrays in Ruby with the J...
1517,91359,086kss-railsRails 3 engine to provide a living styleguide from Kyle Neath's KSS.
1625,00359,086itunesiTunes API
1734,98759,086peek-resqueTake a peek into your Resque queues and workers.
1855,19959,086glimpseProvide a glimpse into your Rails application.
1976,60659,086glimpse-redisProvide a glimpse into the Redis calls made within your Rails application.
2078,97059,086argonautJSON Builder
2179,34859,086glimpse-performance_barProvide a glimpse into the MySQL queries made during your application's requests.
2280,41859,086peek-mongoTake a peek into the Mongo commands made within your Rails application.
2381,19459,086glimpse-mongoProvide a glimpse into the Mongo commands made within your Rails application.
2481,65659,086progressiveA lightweight ActiveModel backed state machine.
2584,20259,086bkwld-paper_trailTrack changes to your models' data. Good for auditing or versioning.
2693,33259,086glimpse-gitProvide a glimpse into the Git info of your Rails application.
2796,03959,086glimpse-mysql2Provide a glimpse into the MySQL queries made during your application's requests.
28100,17059,086glimpse-dalliProvide a glimpse into the Memcache commands made through Dalli during your application...
29100,77259,086glimpse-pgProvide a glimpse into the Postgres queries made during your application's requests.
30124,34059,086cached_bitlyAn easy Bitly toolkit with Redis being the caching layer.
31135,71159,086glimpse-resqueProvide a glimpse into your Resque queues and workers.
32168,61235,677webhooks-railsA Rails engine to configure and deliver webhooks.
33169,87559,086rails-approvalsAdd an approval process to rails console in production.
34170,04059,086pubattlegroundsPUBG API wrapper
35181,13559,086active_denormalizeDescription of ActiveDenormalize.
36183,43659,086singledevSingle dev
37184,35759,086schema_orgAll the types and properties from along with Sorbet types