1 | 11,026 | 63,432 | architecture-js | Architecture.js helps you generate scaffolding, manage third-party packages, compile, a... |
2 | 15,306 | 63,432 | ninjs | Ninjs is a ruby application and small javascript framework that helps you build clean, ... |
3 | 18,029 | 63,432 | modjs-architecture | Mod.js is a modular javascript library that provides a base application strucure to bui... |
4 | 23,326 | 41,916 | jskit_rails | jsit_rails provides jskit.js to the asset pipeline and allows seamless event dispatchin... |
5 | 25,072 | 63,432 | auto-gemsets | auto-gemsets creates a gemset named after the parent directory of every Gemfile you enc... |
6 | 35,770 | 63,432 | moses | Moses is a simple command parser for writing command line applications |
7 | 38,759 | 13,614 | rails_jskit | rails_jskit provides jskit.js to the asset pipeline and allows seamless event dispatchi... |
8 | 55,669 | 63,432 | unicorn-formatter | An rspec formatter based on https://github.com/sdegutis/unicornleap |
9 | 59,088 | 63,432 | tco_client_core | Handles communication with 2checkout.com's API |
10 | 72,636 | 63,432 | juscr | Compiles and compresses multiple javascript files into a single file |
11 | 73,167 | 63,432 | judojs | JudoJs is a javascript meta framework. JudoJs uses the Sprockets engine (http://getspro... |
12 | 77,727 | 63,432 | mememe | MemeMe is a command line meme generator loosely based on quickmeme.com |
13 | 81,418 | 22,084 | rformat | rformat will swap out the formatter contents of your ~/.rspec file so you can switch rs... |
14 | 99,150 | 63,432 | gnag | A command line based timer that nags you to commit |
15 | 127,451 | 63,432 | hairball | http://www.confreaks.com/videos/860-railsconf2012-keynote-simplicity-matters |
16 | 130,954 | 63,432 | ninjs-framework | ninjs-framework is the JavaScript framework component of the ninjs development framewor... |
17 | 140,587 | 63,432 | tracklist | Tracklist is a simple command line application to parse Tracktor nml files into simple ... |
18 | 141,243 | 63,432 | freshrb | A Ruby application framework for the paranoid ruby developer who values configuration o... |