Daytonn's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,57710,078architecture-jsArchitecture.js helps you generate scaffolding, manage third-party packages, compile, a...
214,78458,808ninjsNinjs is a ruby application and small javascript framework that helps you build clean, ...
317,50889,538modjs-architectureMod.js is a modular javascript library that provides a base application strucure to bui...
422,86989,538jskit_railsjsit_rails provides jskit.js to the asset pipeline and allows seamless event dispatchin...
524,43518,171auto-gemsetsauto-gemsets creates a gemset named after the parent directory of every Gemfile you enc...
635,06889,538mosesMoses is a simple command parser for writing command line applications
738,06858,808rails_jskitrails_jskit provides jskit.js to the asset pipeline and allows seamless event dispatchi...
854,30535,144unicorn-formatterAn rspec formatter based on
958,62725,774tco_client_coreHandles communication with's API
1071,31758,808juscrCompiles and compresses multiple javascript files into a single file
1171,86158,808judojsJudoJs is a javascript meta framework. JudoJs uses the Sprockets engine (http://getspro...
1276,41789,538mememeMemeMe is a command line meme generator loosely based on
1380,18689,538rformatrformat will swap out the formatter contents of your ~/.rspec file so you can switch rs...
1497,76889,538gnagA command line based timer that nags you to commit
16129,14289,538ninjs-frameworkninjs-framework is the JavaScript framework component of the ninjs development framewor...
17138,79189,538tracklistTracklist is a simple command line application to parse Tracktor nml files into simple ...
18139,48989,538freshrbA Ruby application framework for the paranoid ruby developer who values configuration o...