Jacob's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,5217,877private_attrEasily create private/protected attribute readers/writers
27,2968,103knockoutjs-railsKnockout is a JavaScript library that helps you to create rich, responsive display and ...
336,85354,789refinerycms-image_rotatorsAn open source Ruby on Rails image rotator engine designed for integration with Refiner...
443,62554,789refinerycms-brushart_logoBrushart Logo engine for Refinery CMS.
548,85454,789refinerycms-mastheadCAT Mastheads engine for Refinery CMS
662,76254,789ruby-coco-sourceCoco is a CoffeeScript dialect that aims to be more radical and practical.
772,91854,789arel-haversineProvides haversine formula, implemented with Arel; which could be added to ActiveRecord...
8123,00454,789coco-railsCoco adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.
9124,39454,789arel-trigonometryProvides trigonometry functions, implemented with Arel; which could be added to ActiveR...
10132,03032,525ruby-cocoRuby Coco is a bridge to the JS Coco compiler.
11154,05054,789jswanner-carrierwaveUpload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...