Thekompanee's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15858ruby-progressbarRuby/ProgressBar is an extremely flexible text progress bar library for Ruby. The outpu...
2705601fuubarthe instafailing RSpec progress bar formatter
32,3752,565progressbarRuby/ProgressBar is an extremely flexible text progress bar library for Ruby. The outpu...
47,26910,496chamberChamber lets you source your Settings from an arbitrary number of YAML files and provid...
59,57119,101rspectacularWe rock some RSpec configurations and matchers like it ain't nobody's bidnezz.
613,76861,367apillCommon API functionality
717,16161,367chicken_soupWhy do you keep typing all that crap into your Capistrano recipes? Are you too cool fo...
819,40861,367human_errorCommon Error Extensions and Helpers
923,27261,367chronologicalEasy Accessors for ActiveModel Objects
1023,70261,367kompanee-recipesThese are the common recipes we've been using here at The Kompanee. Packaged as a gem.
1128,65815,060null_and_voidMakes generating Null Objects easy.
1231,17661,367greenwichStore all of your times in the database as UTC but want to give your users the ability ...
1334,18161,367referehencibleEnable unique reference numbers on all the things
1438,27312,736pinpointHandling common address logic. (currently only for US addresses but international is pl...
1543,18318,157molten_coreEasy Accessors for ActiveModel Objects
1643,43961,367seed_packetEasy creation of seed and sample data.
1747,23519,101payolaAbstraction layer on top of Stripe/Braintree, etc so we can get Payola'ed
1849,91061,367juan_pelotaLog Sidekiq messages in JSON format
1956,21041,086dirty_urlBy 'default', Rails has a difficult time figuring out when it is supposed to show relat...
2061,52461,367coadjutorRails Helpers
2164,65461,367validates_truthinessMakes boolean validations a little cleaner.
2265,71361,367hustle_and_flowDevelopment Workflow Commands
2368,34561,367rough_draftRails Generator a la The Kompanee
2476,45961,367dolla_dolla_billRails integration for the RubyMoney gem including helpers
2578,85261,367apple_cartThe first rule of the Apple Cart is... don't upset it! Inspired by the "Creating and Cu...
2682,16229,456oscillatorShared CarrierWave and Validations and Configurations
2783,82761,367stipendSTIpend is a quick way to allow assignment and modification of Single Table Inheritance...
2887,96161,367bangers_and_hashEasy Accessors for ActiveModel Objects
2992,95861,367gemfilingsMakes working with Gemfiles easier
3093,28661,367dynamoBen Richards may be running, but he won't run far... from DYNAMO!
3199,80761,367i_am_validCustom ActiveModel::Validations to Make Your Life Easier
32102,76261,367hootenannyA drop-in PubSubHubBub-compliant Rails Engine for easy hubbubing.
33103,08261,367use_the_forcibleEasy Accessors for ActiveModel Objects
34115,47133,893omniauth-ebizzleIn this gem you will find an OmniAuth eBay strategy that is compliant with the Open eBa...
35132,64661,367envisionEasy per-environment configuration loading for your projects.
36133,23461,367enwrapCommon decorators for common situations
37139,51241,086party_lineParty Line is agnostic about what kind of server it is talking to. As long as it adher...
38161,14961,367horn_of_plentyAbstraction for speaking to various project management systems.