Hollow's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,92810,222varintvarint C extension
29,77151,488capperCapper is a collection of opinionated Capistrano recipes
314,25826,667madvertise-loggingAdvanced logging classes with buffer backend, transactions, multi logger, etc
416,22932,595liquid-extLiquidM ruby core extensions and helper libraries
516,38323,861madvertise-extRuby core extensions and helper libraries
618,4809,552ruby-druidruby-druid is a Ruby client for Druid. It includes a Squeel-like query DSL and gene...
721,06526,667ganymedGanymed is a daemon that collects Metriks from third-party applications
824,42221,034geoipdbFast IPDB implementation for JRuby
930,66021,034jquery-plugins-railsjQuery plugins for Rails 3.x asset pipeline
1037,074129,735zmachinepure JRuby multi-threaded mostly EventMachine compatible event loop
1150,50932,595liquid-developmentThis is a simple gem to consolidate common development dependencies.
1253,807129,735vagrant-zentooVagrant plugin to detect and support Zentoo Linux based systems
1362,184129,735slickgrid-railsSlickGrid Integration for Rails 3.x
1463,567129,735vagrant-systemdVagrant plugin to detect and support Systemd based systems
1563,76032,595liquid-loggingAdvanced logging classes with buffer backend, transactions, multi logger, etc
1664,60851,488livestatusLivestatus is a simple Ruby library to control Nagios via MK Livestatus.
1773,912129,735zoomqØMQ ROUTER/ROUTER coordinated by Zookeeper
1876,09351,488ganymed-clientClient library for Ganymed
1996,936129,735requirejs-controllersA collection of RequireJS controllers for Rails 3.x
20106,64951,488z-http-requestZMachine based, async HTTP Request client
21124,319129,735silk-railsSilk Integration for Rails 3.x
22132,06651,488metriks-deriveA derivative metric for the Metriks gem