1 | 1,884 | 1,965 | descriptive_statistics | Adds descriptive statistics methods to Enumerable module for use on collections or Nume... |
2 | 68,238 | 51,323 | speaker_text | A gem to automate transcription of audio and video media using the SpeakerText.com serv... |
3 | 78,448 | 51,323 | jiragit | add jira numbers and urls to your commits automatically |
4 | 85,314 | 51,323 | billygoat | Goat do this for me |
5 | 98,365 | 51,323 | hasten | Hasten the import of mysql dumps, especially those containing very large innodb tables ... |
6 | 127,307 | 51,323 | thirtysixthspan-magent | Simple job queue system based on mongodb |
7 | 131,067 | 51,323 | magtek_card_reader | Provides a convenient wrapper around libusb to read credit cards with a Magtek Credit C... |