Chrisrhoden's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,2957,939prx_auth-railsRails integration for next generation PRX Authorization system.
232,26122,084smart_s3_syncIntelligent syncing from Cloud providers when duplicate content abounds.
340,45311,448prx_authSpecific to PRX. Will ignore tokens that were not issued by PRX.
441,38812,967rack-prx_authSpecific to PRX. Will ignore tokens that were not issued by PRX.
547,28622,084announceAnnounce is for pubsub of messages for events, built on other gems like shoryuken.
648,69925,458omniauth-prxPRX strategy for OmniAuth using OAuth2
760,75622,084fixer_clientClient for the fixer application.
861,51963,432ng_player_hater-railsngPlayerHater for the Rails asset pipeline
980,43725,458the_castle_clientClient to connect via 2-legged oauth, and get data from the castle.
1089,57141,916event_attributeEventAttribute allows you to turn your date/datetime columns in to boolean attributes i...
11118,64363,432zapZap is a simple command line key-value store. There are no collections, just a single n...
12124,74341,916fickleFickle lets you turn features on and off at will in your rails app using a web interfac...
13126,46863,432maromiMaromi sits between you and your app and handles OAuth stuff. Dependencies abound.