Hallelujah's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,043644valid_emailActiveModel Validation for email
229,56142,025abstract-sqlIt reverse an SQL statement to a Perl SQL::Abstract JSON format.
339,19028,793gettext_column_mappingTranslate your database columns with gettext
440,43886,038rails-excelUse different strategies to write excel : available are :spreadsheet and :writeexcel ...
550,26886,038sporeSpore is a specification for describing ReST API that can be parsed and used automatica...
658,33686,038sgeSun Grid Engine ruby library
766,91786,038rubygems-mini_mirrorMirror some version of gems with Gem::Version DSL Create a mini_gem file and add this...
8123,68786,038feature-richConditional statement to chose feature in your application
9124,04186,038rails-excel-writeexcel-strategyRails Excel strategy to write xlsx files through writeexcel gem
10129,57253,556hallelujah-cassandra-cqlCQL Interface to Cassandra
11129,77486,038font-awesome-moreFont Awesome More bundled in gem for Ruby on Rails.
12130,61786,038rails-excel-rubyXL-strategyRails Excel strategy to write xlsx files through rubyXL gem
13130,61753,556hallelujah-cassandraA Ruby client for the Cassandra distributed database.
14131,07553,556oauth2-rack-serverOAuth2 Rack Server
15131,60586,038rails-excel-spreadsheet-strategyRails Excel strategy using spreadsheet gem
16176,37953,556uuid_migrationsA simple gem to automatically add UUID to activerecord migrations