1 | 24,030 | 41,916 | csv-utils | Tools for debugging malformed CSV files |
2 | 27,540 | 8,229 | schema-model | Easy way to create models from payloads |
3 | 32,816 | 30,305 | dynamic-active-model | Dynamically create ActiveRecord models for tables |
4 | 34,526 | 63,432 | upstreamstatus | Parse the output of the Nginx Upstream Check plugin |
5 | 38,422 | 63,432 | packed-model | Used to minimize storage space required to store list of data |
6 | 38,738 | 63,432 | sized_list | Uses LRU functionality to keep a limited size list of items |
7 | 40,859 | 11,448 | db-purger | Purge database tables by top level id in batches |
8 | 47,480 | 63,432 | client-api-builder | Create API clients through configuration with complete transparency |
9 | 63,808 | 15,400 | query_counter | Used for monitoring number of external calls |
10 | 83,129 | 63,432 | alblogs | Utility script for processing ALB access logs over a given time range |
11 | 85,745 | 41,916 | inheritance-helper | Redefines class methods |
12 | 90,756 | 63,432 | io-segmenter | Used to iterate over segments of data in IO objects |
13 | 95,640 | 30,305 | elasticsearch_scanner | Iterates over the entire index |
14 | 98,673 | 63,432 | cassandra-helpers | Utility methods for working with Cassandra |
15 | 106,669 | 63,432 | csv-curl | Tools making mulitple calls using curl |
16 | 107,528 | 63,432 | athena-utils | Tools for querying AWS Athena |
17 | 109,172 | 63,432 | activerecord-mysql2-adapter-patch | Fixes schema.rb for datetime fields that use on update |
18 | 112,737 | 15,400 | s3grep | Tools for searching files on S3 |
19 | 118,308 | 30,305 | doug-chargify | Ruby wrapper for the chargify.com SAAS and billing API designed to be thread safe |
20 | 136,029 | 63,432 | encrypted-field | Encrypt data using policies, designed with key rotation in mind |
21 | 138,443 | 30,305 | schema-normalize | Easy way to normalize attributes |
22 | 149,143 | 63,432 | multi-file-processor | Iterates over files moving them to inprogress, done or failed |
23 | 164,527 | 63,432 | model-mapper | Easy way to configure what data is mapped between models |
24 | 164,551 | 63,432 | mapable | Easy way to configure what data is mapped between models |
25 | 164,837 | 41,916 | profile-tools | Dynamically add method profiling to any class. Collects method times and objects created. |
26 | 171,071 | 63,432 | gemconsole | Command-line utility for working with a gem in irb |
27 | 179,236 | 63,432 | batching | Adds an in_batches to Enumerable |
28 | 180,711 | 63,432 | csv-editor | Command line CSV file editor |