Dougyouch's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,03041,916csv-utilsTools for debugging malformed CSV files
227,5408,229schema-modelEasy way to create models from payloads
332,81630,305dynamic-active-modelDynamically create ActiveRecord models for tables
434,52663,432upstreamstatusParse the output of the Nginx Upstream Check plugin
538,42263,432packed-modelUsed to minimize storage space required to store list of data
638,73863,432sized_listUses LRU functionality to keep a limited size list of items
740,85911,448db-purgerPurge database tables by top level id in batches
847,48063,432client-api-builderCreate API clients through configuration with complete transparency
963,80815,400query_counterUsed for monitoring number of external calls
1083,12963,432alblogsUtility script for processing ALB access logs over a given time range
1185,74541,916inheritance-helperRedefines class methods
1290,75663,432io-segmenterUsed to iterate over segments of data in IO objects
1395,64030,305elasticsearch_scannerIterates over the entire index
1498,67363,432cassandra-helpersUtility methods for working with Cassandra
15106,66963,432csv-curlTools making mulitple calls using curl
16107,52863,432athena-utilsTools for querying AWS Athena
17109,17263,432activerecord-mysql2-adapter-patchFixes schema.rb for datetime fields that use on update
18112,73715,400s3grepTools for searching files on S3
19118,30830,305doug-chargifyRuby wrapper for the SAAS and billing API designed to be thread safe
20136,02963,432encrypted-fieldEncrypt data using policies, designed with key rotation in mind
21138,44330,305schema-normalizeEasy way to normalize attributes
22149,14363,432multi-file-processorIterates over files moving them to inprogress, done or failed
23164,52763,432model-mapperEasy way to configure what data is mapped between models
24164,55163,432mapableEasy way to configure what data is mapped between models
25164,83741,916profile-toolsDynamically add method profiling to any class. Collects method times and objects created.
26171,07163,432gemconsoleCommand-line utility for working with a gem in irb
27179,23663,432batchingAdds an in_batches to Enumerable
28180,71163,432csv-editorCommand line CSV file editor