Tylergannon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,2074,987toastr-railsToastr: Simple javascript toast notifications, plugged into the rails asset pipeline.
29,97541,086wheelsCall rails generate wheels.
314,49061,367anaf_habtmaccepts_nested_attributes_for habtm
415,04761,367casey_jonessome extra stuff for rails apps
516,44612,281da_huangs_ruby_extensionsI find myself wanting to use these methods all the time.
633,17361,367rails-workflowWorkflow specifically for ActiveModel objects.
734,62961,367acts_as_linkableExpects ActiveRecord models to call acts_as_linkable :name => :link_name_method...
849,99261,367server_backupsFor taking backups of servers.
962,48525,716my_generatorsJust a replacement for default rails generators, specifig to my configuration of mongoi...
1075,48861,367aloha_railsAloha... rails!!!
1193,14961,367bootstrap3-wip-railsBootstrap 3.0 (wip) bundled for rails.
12102,81261,367jqueryui_railsNo more need to download JQuery UI... just include jqueryui/yourtheme and everythin...
13121,96061,367commenter_mongoidHandles adding comments to models in a very simple way.
14128,29861,367wheels_routesCall wheels_resources in routes.rb to get routes for wheels.
15141,13561,367rtbackupFor taking backups of servers.
16142,56461,367activerecord_unitwiseActiveRecord extensions for Unitwise.
17146,88961,367rspec_rails_setupDoes Stuff
18159,73441,086conservative_etagsA Gem for helping to manage page staleness, compatible with Turbolinks 5.
19165,44061,367tyler_koalaKoala is a lightweight, flexible Ruby SDK for Facebook. It allows read/write access to...