Shura's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,20229,456mkfifoProvides Ruby's File class with a new method called ::mkfifo that creates a named pipe ...
222,27361,367arbiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
341,23725,716confparserparses configuration files compatable with Python's ConfigParser, gitconfig, etc
443,83925,716launchcraftSimple cli launcher for minecraft
543,99625,716dyndyndongRuby written dyndns client.
648,29317,333lzma-ffiliblzma bindings for ruby
772,91933,893fackupSimple tool to do simple backups
874,15133,893rubdevlibudev bindings
976,70461,367ruby-fifoA cross-platform library to use named pipe
1078,23133,893sttylib to set and get terminal line settings
1179,18633,893read-passwordSilently read a password on all Ruby implementations and platforms
1280,73133,893simple_tesseracttesseract ruby bindings
1381,19841,086github-uploadA simple cli client to upload file in a github repository.
1486,79541,086codice_fiscaleCodice fiscale library
1590,47741,086fakextsimple library to make it easy faking an extconf
1690,48741,086efreesmssend sms via
1792,29141,086fuxed_lockWorkaround to avoid FUTEX_LOCK bug (i need it for sublets in subtle wm)
1896,37241,086io-manageSome extra methods having to do with ::IO
1999,30341,086subtypeGem including some helpers to easily make your sublet
20102,36541,086wcwidthwcwidth ruby implementation
21123,91561,367em-udevlibudev for eventmachine
22125,31861,367hashwordAdd a method to Array:Class to get hashword's hash
23125,50241,086noticeNotify status of a block
24126,16561,367ffi-lzmaliblzma bindings for ruby
25127,70661,367xftdimAdd a method to String:Class to get width and height of text for given string and xft-font
26128,42261, shorter and nopaste lib
27129,41741,086nerdzpretty as tiny library to play with API
28130,74061,367ruby-letadd Object#let and global let function
29132,46161,367rblkidlibblkid ruby bindings
30132,50361,367rbmountlibmount ruby bindings
31165,03161,367rwmSimple ruby written windows manager
32166,34261,367sysctlA wrapper around sysctl to make its use cool in OpenBSD too