Dgraham's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,4593,431json-streamA parser best suited for huge JSON documents that don't fit in memory.
213,5156,615fast_pageFastPage applies the MySQL "deferred join" optimization to your ActiveRecord offset/lim...
314,2007,125yajl-ffiRuby FFI bindings to the native YAJL streaming JSON parser.
423,02561,367vinesA scalable XMPP chat server.
556,22461,367vines-agentExecute shell commands, authorizing them against a vines-services access control list.
656,67061,367vines-servicesVines Services are dynamically updated groups of systems based on criteria like hostnam...
775,56812,502planetscale_railsA collection of rake tasks to make managing schema migrations with PlanetScale easy
885,14661,367couchproxyCouchProxy is a simple proxy server that distributes reads and writes to a cluster of A...
996,77361,367vines-webUseful for testing the server's BOSH support.
10128,75061,367vines-couchdbStores Vines user data in Apache CouchDB.
11139,58761,367vines-sqlStores Vines user data in an SQL database.
12139,70761,367vines-mongodbStores Vines user data in MongoDB.
13140,29141,086vines-redisStores Vines user data in Redis.