Samer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,2155,811dataloaderA data loading utility to batch loading of promises. It can be used with graphql gem.
231,058108,739easy_partialsAn easier way to call partials
334,51466,440librariesCommon Libraries and Ruby/Rails extensions
442,75466,440db2Rails Driver and Adapter for IBM Data Servers: {DB2 on Linux/Unix/Windows, DB2 on zOS, ...
548,33366,440shareAdd a Rails helper to include simple social share links
648,74366,440writeMountable Rails Engine that gives you the ability to add a github-gist-stored blog to y...
750,46766,440db2ca db2 console with with history and autocomplete support, and few other goodies
885,413108,739activerecord-jdbc-adapter-onsiteactiverecord-jdbc-adapter is a database adapter for Rails\' ActiveRecord component that...
994,770108,739loginDevise and Omniauth defaults
10100,507108,739active_guardsActiveModel guards integration
11119,173108,739davinciExtract the dominant colors from an image.
12120,279108,739endless_rubyEndless Ruby
13120,843108,739connect_withHandle multiple Database conenctions with ActiveRecord Models
14122,48249,619guardsGuard your forms with class (or any other selectors)
15128,890108,739hallohallo.js For Rails. //require hallo
16130,708108,739halotesting gem
17165,509108,739rvagrantVagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.