Rubynerd's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
146,54161,367firebellA ruby client for - push notifications as a service
257,43361,367flashoverFires events down a hose towards the Great Unknown.
360,32161,367firetruckThe official Ruby wrapper for Firetruck, a notification aggregation service
4114,92961,367batsignalBatsignal is a command written in Ruby to be used on a server which has a large number ...
5134,19361,367scotchWatches directories and mirrors to a S3/CloudFront bucket/distribution
6135,90041,086mvlMvl's Ruby client - currently a placeholder whilst I get the backend sort of finished
7143,93361,367candycaneAn incredibly basic RPC system for Ruby
8145,39561,367tubelineA ruby library for interacting with the London Underground Tube status API