Mcasimir's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,7783,018kaminari-bootstrapKaminari views for Twitter Bootstrap (rails engine)
23,7824,077kaminari-i18nTranslations for the kaminari gem
35,1215,815devise-i18n-viewsTranslatable views for devise and the translations that go with them
48,39189,538fullstack-cmsCMS system built on fullstack
59,75189,538fullstack-adminAdministration interface framework for fullstack
611,13413,047active_record_schemaActiveRecordSchema is an ActiveRecord extension that allows you to write the database s...
717,05889,538fullstackFullstack framework
821,38728,086meta-tags-helpersRails meta tags helpers
927,98689,538has-attachedActiveRecordSchema attachments with Paperclip
1030,36489,538remotingRemoting is a great way to turn plain rake tasks in scripts to administer the server re...
1144,21889,538rails_nested_layoutsNested layouts for Rails
1247,31931,183bootstrap-helpersRails bootstrap helpers
1349,72931,183checkinCheckin is an authorization gem for Ruby on Rails
1454,10335,144ars-permalinkActiveRecordSchema permalink gem (based on FriendlyId)
1554,32289,538gitmodel-railsA Rails gem that integrates Gitmodel ( with Ruby...
1656,44689,538iso-country-selectLocalized country select helper for rails that stores ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes ...
1757,79658,808document_formForm Builder for Rails3 and MongoID
1859,54389,538ramblerRambler provides a Sinatra-like DSL that makes easy to write and manage non-RESTful con...
1965,71489,538fullstack-ckeditorckeditor gem for fullstack-admin
2070,15289,538raptestRaptest plumbs Rails assets pipeline detecting any issue that may come out during and a...
2171,88340,337cocktailCocktail is a ruby gem that allows you to use parametric mixins in Ruby
2274,09458,808requestedActionController::Request improvements with several methods to get info on requested ac...
2377,55140,337authorize_whenSuper simple authorization system for Rails
2479,44189,538fullstack-carouselCarousel plugin for fullstack cms
2589,94758,808uniformRails Forms done right
2693,29258,808resourceizeRESTful controllers and views without coding
2799,30789,538fullstack-contactsContact form and backend for fullstack-cms
2899,40289,538rails-slow-assets-workaroundSpeed up rails assets compilation splitting it in 2 phases
2999,81089,538fullstack-rssRSS Feed Gem for fullstack-cms
3099,82489,538rails_i18n_gettextUse gettext-like `_('Just translate my damn text!')` in Rails and generate .yml transla...
31106,69647,536anchor_forHTML anchor rails helper
32125,72589,538has_partialCheck if a partial can be rendered inside Rails views
33126,64589,538i18n_fieldsTranslatable fields for ActiveRecordSchema
34128,73489,538deformDeform - Rails 4 form decorator
35131,35489,538stepThe Ruby on Rails template engine that implements 2-Step Views PoEAA
36132,36889,538resource-presentation-helpersRails helpers for presentation of resource objects
37135,11889,538string_interpolationRuby core extension that brings in String interpolation