1 | 5,648 | 7,565 | queue_classic | queue_classic is a queueing library for Ruby apps. (Rails, Sinatra, Etc...) queue_class... |
2 | 15,809 | 61,367 | btcruby | Bitcoin toolkit for Ruby |
3 | 19,074 | 18,157 | lock-smith | Locking toolkit for a variety of data stores. |
4 | 25,638 | 61,367 | shushu | A ruby wrapper around Shushu's HTTP API. |
5 | 25,761 | 41,086 | koa-utils | Gem of tools for Koala |
6 | 39,079 | 61,367 | instruments | instruments: sinatra, sequel. |
7 | 42,219 | 61,367 | vault_client | A ruby wrapper around The Vault's HTTP API. |
8 | 45,096 | 20,275 | lpxc | Ruby client for sending data to Heroku's logplex. |
9 | 52,637 | 61,367 | komrade-client | A client library for the komrade worker queue. |
10 | 53,177 | 23,402 | pebbles_audio_files | See summary |
11 | 65,115 | 61,367 | koa | Gem of tools for Koala |
12 | 73,151 | 61,367 | unicorn-instruments | Prints ruby processing time to stdout. |
13 | 96,668 | 33,893 | log_jam | LogJam is a proxy to another logger. Say, the Rails logger. This gem intercepts the log... |
14 | 97,265 | 61,367 | heroku_notification | A client gem for interacting with the REST-based Heroku Notifications API |
15 | 123,937 | 61,367 | ryandotsmith-asf-soap-adapter | ASF-Soap-Adapter is an improved version of ActiveSalesforce (ASF) is a Rails connection... |