Ryandotsmith's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,7006,394queue_classicqueue_classic is a queueing library for Ruby apps. (Rails, Sinatra, Etc...) queue_class...
216,00424,889btcrubyBitcoin toolkit for Ruby
319,32635,677lock-smithLocking toolkit for a variety of data stores.
425,91735,677shushuA ruby wrapper around Shushu's HTTP API.
525,97859,086koa-utilsGem of tools for Koala
639,37859,086instrumentsinstruments: sinatra, sequel.
742,54159,086vault_clientA ruby wrapper around The Vault's HTTP API.
845,39359,086lpxcRuby client for sending data to Heroku's logplex.
952,89059,086komrade-clientA client library for the komrade worker queue.
1053,55559,086pebbles_audio_filesSee summary
1165,36859,086koaGem of tools for Koala
1273,48835,677unicorn-instrumentsPrints ruby processing time to stdout.
1397,10359,086log_jamLogJam is a proxy to another logger. Say, the Rails logger. This gem intercepts the log...
1497,89159,086heroku_notificationA client gem for interacting with the REST-based Heroku Notifications API
15124,42859,086ryandotsmith-asf-soap-adapterASF-Soap-Adapter is an improved version of ActiveSalesforce (ASF) is a Rails connection...