Mspanc's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,0695,332rfc822This is a simple gem for Ruby that simplifies validating email addresses. It provides c...
26,3227,495just-datetime-pickerGem that just creates date/time picker in Active Admin forms
313,33115,853qm-acts-as-generic-controllerqM: generates generic controller actions and views
426,643174,714rails-i18n-word-countSimple Rails I18n gem that helps in counting amount of words in locales for estimating ...
542,05045,066qui-index-tableqUI: rails helpers for generating index tables
646,72749,456qui-common-helpersqUI: some common helpers used by other gems
750,48588,619activerecord-enum-without-methodsThis gem does the same as ActiveRecord::Base#enum but does not define enum_value? and e...
853,04255,357qui-toolbarqUI: rails helpers for generating toolbars
965,983112,317paperclip-strip-strange-charactersSimple gem for Ruby on Rails that makes file names of paperclip attachments URL's brows...
1073,69588,619just-time-pickerGem that just creates time picker in Active Admin forms
1173,83673,500qui-tabsqUI: rails helpers for generating tabs
1274,57973,500qui-automatic-form-required-fieldsqUI: this plugin automatically marks labels near required fields using validates_presen...
1381,31088,619leash_providerLeash allows you to build an OAuth2 provider for a closed set of trusted client apps. I...
1482,95688,619omniauth-cohabitat-userOfficial OmniAuth strategy for users of Cohabitat apps
1587,25888,619jack-ffiJack Audio Connection Kit Bindings via FFI interface
1694,86288,619qui-paginationqUI: rails helpers for generating nice pagination
1797,71862,515omniauth-cohabitat-adminOfficial OmniAuth strategy for admins of Cohabitat apps
18107,38288,619ruby-dbus-wrapperWrapper for Ruby D-Bus client providing some useful high-level methods
19107,73488,619ruby-dbus-wrapper-process-watchAllows to register nice callbacks when D-Bus processess appear or disappear from the bus
20128,916177,849bootsy-rails3A beautiful WYSIWYG editor with image uploads for Rails (backported to Rails 3).
21137,910146,834carrierwave-hex-prefix-for-file-storageEnscapsulates directory naming scheme for carrierwave's file storage, enabling creation...
22138,483112,317em-ruby-dbusPure Ruby module for interaction with D-Bus IPC system