Samuelkadolph's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5141,747proxifierProxifier adds support for HTTP or SOCKS proxies and lets you force TCPSocket to use pr...
21,6033,783securecomparesecurecompare borrows the secure_compare private method from ActiveSupport::MessageVeri...
32,0793,395unicorn-railsunicorn-rails overrides the Rack::Handler.default method to return Rack::Handler::Unico...
49,49915,060thin-railsthin-rails overrides the Rack::Handler.default method to return Rack::Handler::Thin whi...
510,85461,367buffered-loggerbuffered-logger is designed to be used in multithreaded or multifiber rack servers and ...
625,07961,367accepts-flattened-valuesaccepts-flattened-values is a mixin for ActiveRecord to be used on any model with a has...
736,16618,157magnetmagnet lets you parse track data from magnetic stripe cards. Currently supports tracks ...
849,25461,367s3cmdProvides a s3cmd executable that allows you to create and list buckets as well as list ...
957,20041,086rbmrbm lets you benchmark varies code fragments by running them a specified number of time...
1075,17361,367activerecord-retryRetries reads and transactions when an ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid occurs that match...
1181,46261,367winsizewinsize adds 2 methods: winsize and winsize= to IO that allows you to control the size ...
1288,86861,367launchlaunch is a wrapper for liblaunch which lets you load, unload, reload, submit, remove, ...
14106,52241,086pacpac uses a JavaScript runtime to evaulate a proxy auto-config file the same way a brows...
15110,22161,367rainbows-railsrainbows-rails overrides the Rack::Handler.default method to return Rack::Handler::Rain...
16116,85961,367ttynameruby-ttyname adds one method (ttyname) for use with any IO instance for a TTY device.
17159,49161,367blinkPlaceholder for blink(1) library