Lucasmazza's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1390280faraday-http-cacheMiddleware to handle HTTP caching
21,8201,840rubycriticRubyCritic is a tool that wraps around various static analysis gems to provide a qualit...
38,1136,699svg_optimizerSVG optimization based on Node's SVGO
49,43018,833cazeWith Caze it's easy to define use cases and entry points.
519,62335,920faraday-log-subscriberA Log Subscriber for Faraday clients
621,20186,038spritefulA sprite generation tool
726,64918,833jquery_tagHelper gem that toggles between local jquery script and Google CDN version based on you...
838,65286,038engageEngage is a CLI for rapid bootstrap for your ruby apps using Git, RVM and Bundler.
944,26686,038stylus_railsCompiling .styl from your Rails/Sinatra applications
1048,32586,038showtimeApplication generator for simple Sinatra apps
1180,84842,025hurley-http-cacheHurley connection to handle HTTP caching