Dylanegan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,87061,367fog-bouncerA simple way to define and manage security groups for AWS with the backing support of fog.
229,56061,367clarenceCome on now, man, you're making me nervous. Come on, you can't do this! Don't mess arou...
337,59961,367sequel-pg-lockerSimple way to grab a lock using PostgreSQL.
440,31561,367travis-surveillanceVeille sur un projet.
541,27961,367sappyA wrapper for the SiteUptime API
670,31261,367travis-stalkerStalk Travis CI builds.
779,81861,367configarrrActually it's not. It's just a way of handling configuration.
879,92641,086fraggle-blockA synchronous Ruby client for Doozer.
982,34961,367google-weatherstupid simple fetching of the weather using google's api
1093,26933,893openid_store_mongoidWhy does a squirrel swim on its back? To keep its nuts dry
1195,24933,893openid-store-sequelStoring your OpenIDs in your Sequels.
1299,68161,367top_gunDanger Zone
13110,24461,367at-the-moviesScraper for http://abc.net.au/atthemovies
14126,19461,367pusher-client-mermanRuby client for consuming WebSockets from http://pusherapp.com