Pcreux's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,3588,182rspec-set#set(), speed-up your specs
26,7685,274pimpmychangelogLinkify issue numbers (#123) and github users (@gregbell) in markdown changelogs.
38,0136,986csv-importerCSV Import for humans
416,15628,543jekyll-s3This Gem allows you to push your Jekyll blog to AWS S3. In addition, you can use this G...
518,97059,086active_sanityPerforms a Sanity Check of your database by logging all invalid Active Records
619,39928,543gitmineGit log with status of associated redmine tickets
723,17659,086bundler-auto-updateAttempt to update every single gem of your Gemfile to its latest patch, minor then majo...
825,95759,086git-branch-delete-orphans`git branch-delete-orphans` lists orphan tracking branches and prompts you to delete or...
957,72559,086dmgIt's like apt-get for Mac
10118,38059,086aws-rotate-keysA simple CLI tool to rotate your aws access keys
11120,36459,086cawCaw reads aloud your Twitter timeline.
12144,89959,086vpyVersapay command line tool
13147,71859,086philippeT0D0: Write a gem description
14164,97859,086locate-imagesLocate images from a directory