1 | 22,988 | 16,936 | lifeboat | sends messages to SQS |
2 | 23,305 | 67,808 | fBayes | Naitve Bayes for Food Category classification |
3 | 24,791 | 67,808 | active_record_to_simpledb | It sends ActiveRecord objets to SimpleDB using Resque |
4 | 27,180 | 67,808 | loggly | We send messages to Loggly using resque or not |
5 | 43,923 | 67,808 | contador | This gem counts the numbers of words in a string. It returns each word and the multipli... |
6 | 43,924 | 22,746 | helu | RubyMotion :: StoreKit Wrapper :: Allows In App Purchases |
7 | 84,044 | 67,808 | delegator | We use this gem to send leads to Bakedweb's backend |
8 | 85,855 | 67,808 | motion-social | RubyMotion Wrapper around the Social Framework |
9 | 97,559 | 67,808 | misspell | Let's have typos |
10 | 99,336 | 29,831 | test-platform | just testing |
11 | 100,406 | 67,808 | redcloth_on | This is a gem that decorate ActiveModel Compliant objects using RedCloth |
12 | 145,780 | 67,808 | truco | A game engine to play truco. |
13 | 146,400 | 67,808 | rm-recorder | Record the screen on OSX with RubyMotion |
14 | 146,658 | 38,090 | lightning_network | Connect to the Lightning Network with Ruby. |
15 | 156,944 | 45,971 | lightning_rb | Connect to the Lightning Network with Ruby. |