Ivanacostarubio's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,98816,936lifeboatsends messages to SQS
223,30567,808fBayesNaitve Bayes for Food Category classification
324,79167,808active_record_to_simpledbIt sends ActiveRecord objets to SimpleDB using Resque
427,18067,808logglyWe send messages to Loggly using resque or not
543,92367,808contadorThis gem counts the numbers of words in a string. It returns each word and the multipli...
643,92422,746heluRubyMotion :: StoreKit Wrapper :: Allows In App Purchases
784,04467,808delegatorWe use this gem to send leads to Bakedweb's backend
885,85567,808motion-socialRubyMotion Wrapper around the Social Framework
997,55967,808misspellLet's have typos
1099,33629,831test-platformjust testing
11100,40667,808redcloth_onThis is a gem that decorate ActiveModel Compliant objects using RedCloth
12145,78067,808trucoA game engine to play truco.
13146,40067,808rm-recorderRecord the screen on OSX with RubyMotion
14146,65838,090lightning_networkConnect to the Lightning Network with Ruby.
15156,94445,971lightning_rbConnect to the Lightning Network with Ruby.