Skalee's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,1994,466glossaristConcept models for terminology glossaries conforming ISO 10241-1.
230,56726,552jekyll-geolexicaGeolexica plugin for Jekyll
339,44954,789geolexica-siteGeolexica sites generator based on Jekyll
440,28454,789tc211-termbaseBuild scripts for the ISO/TC 211 Termbase
566,38132,525attr_maskerIt is desired to mask certain attributes of certain models by modifying the database.
687,51354,789ruby-vobjectThe main purpose of the gem is to parse vobject formatted text into a ruby hash format....
789,40154,789rspec-pgp_matchersRSpec matchers for testing OpenPGP messages
894,70926,552skalee-thinking-sphinxActiveRecord/Rails Sphinx library
9100,74532,525osgeo-termbaseBuild scripts for the OSGeo Termbase
10100,84354,789jekyll-tidy-jsonA Jekyll plugin that cleans JSONs up. If you use Liquid templates to build JSONs for yo...
11104,72232,525enmailEncrypted Email in Ruby
12105,24832,525vobjectParse vObject formats: iCalendar (RFC 5545), vCard {3,4} (RFC 6350).
13111,38254,789chimp_rewriterThe project provides tools to make requests to the Chimp Rewriter API. The API is used...
14120,07154,789active_model_serializers-namespacesEnhances ActiveModel::Serializers gem by adding support for serializers namespacing. T...
15120,25054,789template_tagsSimple view helper for Rails which makes embedding client-side templates in views bit e...
16122,31232,525liquid-pryBrings Pry to Liquid templates.
17126,43132,525well_read_fakerA replacement for various lorem ipsum generators.
18129,96554,789like-structureAllows for matching data structures against given criteria. Very useful for testing JSO...
19163,76954,789activeidSupport for binary UUIDs in ActiveRecord
20169,24354,789hkp_clientA minimalist HKP (OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver Protocol) client, which queries PGP public key...