1 | 3,302 | 3,761 | foodcritic | A code linting tool for Chef Infra cookbooks. |
2 | 16,054 | 61,367 | capistrano-fanfare | Capistrano recipes (with full test suite) for fanfare application deployment framework |
3 | 16,564 | 25,716 | campy | Tiny Campfire Ruby client so you can get on with it. |
4 | 23,070 | 61,367 | jamie | A Chef convergence integration test harness |
5 | 23,902 | 41,086 | finstyle | Version pinning RuboCop and configuration for consistentcy in CI |
6 | 24,615 | 61,367 | knife-server | Chef Knife plugin to bootstrap Chef Servers |
7 | 27,692 | 15,060 | minitest-capistrano | MiniTest assertions and expectations for testing Capistrano recipes |
8 | 27,929 | 25,716 | capstrap | A command to remotely install git, rvm, ruby, and chef-solo using capistrano. |
9 | 33,378 | 61,367 | jamie-vagrant | Jamie::Driver::Vagrant - A Vagrant Driver for Jamie. |
10 | 38,461 | 25,716 | flacky | Loose collection of CLI commands to sort and process Flac files |
11 | 43,599 | 33,893 | emeril | Release Chef cookbooks |
12 | 52,149 | 61,367 | guard-webrick | Guard::WEBrick automatically starts and restarts WEBrick when needed. |
13 | 52,786 | 61,367 | capistrano-lemur | Recipes for deploying a LEMUR (Linux/Nginx/Mysql/Unicorn/Rails) stack. Some of it is pu... |
14 | 59,342 | 25,716 | jamie-bluebox | Jamie::Driver::Bluebox - A Blue Box block API driver for Jamie |
15 | 70,035 | 61,367 | knife-cookbook-cleanup | Deletes a specific or all cookbooks from the chef server except for x versions |
16 | 70,484 | 61,367 | kitchen-bluebox | Kitchen::Driver::Bluebox - A Blue Box block API driver for Test Kitchen |
17 | 74,284 | 23,402 | guard_boilerplate | A simple script that allows you to run Guard to refresh your web browser and optionally... |
18 | 78,784 | 33,893 | vagrant-butter | Smooth out Vagrantfiles with some common helpers and shims |
19 | 81,423 | 33,893 | jamie-ec2 | Jamie::Driver::Ec2 - A Jamie Driver for Ec2 |
20 | 83,630 | 61,367 | acts_as_fuzzy_search | Return Activerecord records that match a search query. Ideally used for small sets of d... |
21 | 91,751 | 61,367 | searchef | Stub Chef Search! |
22 | 124,172 | 41,086 | kb | Kitchen Busser - Runs tests for projects in test-kitchen |
23 | 125,423 | 61,367 | fanfare | Coming soon... |
24 | 126,988 | 61,367 | habitat-client | Habitat Depot Client Library |
25 | 135,739 | 41,086 | opscode | Infrastructure code workflow tool |
26 | 138,586 | 61,367 | safety_razor | Safety Razor - A Ruby client for the Razor API. |
27 | 140,245 | 41,086 | nameit | Nameit is a small zero-dependency library and tool that helps you generate a random nam... |
28 | 165,677 | 61,367 | kb-bash | Bash runner plugin for Kitchen Busser (kb) |