1 | 1,271 | 1,773 | dante | Turn any process into a demon. |
2 | 1,454 | 1,888 | rabl | General ruby templating with json, bson, xml and msgpack support |
3 | 2,028 | 6,607 | callsite | Caller/backtrace parser with some useful utilities for manipulating the load path, and ... |
4 | 2,476 | 3,374 | padrino-helpers | Tag helpers, asset helpers, form helpers, form builders and many more helpers for padrino |
5 | 2,608 | 3,307 | padrino-support | A number of support methods and extensions for Padrino framework |
6 | 3,862 | 5,476 | beaneater | Simple beanstalkd client for ruby |
7 | 4,057 | 5,976 | padrino-core | The Padrino core gem required for use of this framework |
8 | 4,136 | 4,732 | backburner | Beanstalk background job processing made easy |
9 | 4,491 | 6,906 | padrino-mailer | Mailer system for padrino allowing easy delivery of application emails |
10 | 4,497 | 6,733 | padrino-gen | Generators for easily creating and building padrino applications from the console |
11 | 4,518 | 6,914 | padrino-admin | Admin View for Padrino applications |
12 | 4,574 | 6,773 | padrino | The Godfather of Sinatra provides a full-stack agnostic framework on top of Sinatra |
13 | 4,790 | 6,906 | padrino-cache | Caching support for memcached, page and fragment |
14 | 5,033 | 6,899 | query_reviewer | Runs explain before each select query and displays results in an overlayed div |
15 | 7,743 | 7,137 | airtable | Easily connect to airtable data using ruby with access to all of the airtable features. |
16 | 9,581 | 19,249 | sinatra_more | Expands sinatra with standard helpers and tools to allow for complex applications |
17 | 13,654 | 57,843 | gitdocs | Open-source Dropbox using Ruby and Git. |
18 | 15,462 | 36,705 | cap-recipes | Battle-tested capistrano recipes for debian, passenger, apache, delayed_job, juggernaut... |
19 | 18,292 | 57,843 | padrino-contrib | Contributed plugins and utilities for the Padrino Ruby Web Framework |
20 | 23,570 | 57,843 | padrino-routing | Enhances padrino with a named route mapping system allowing for advanced routes |
21 | 23,889 | 57,843 | padrino-performance | A gem for finding performance problems in Padrino by tracking loads and memory consumpt... |
22 | 28,276 | 57,843 | renee | The super-friendly web framework. |
23 | 28,325 | 57,843 | renee-core | The super-friendly rack helpers. |
24 | 29,605 | 57,843 | renee-render | The super-friendly web framework rendering component. |
25 | 29,850 | 57,843 | sheet_mapper | Map google spreadsheets to ruby objects. |
26 | 30,225 | 57,843 | tvdbr | Utilize the TVDB API from Ruby to fetch shows, track updates to the tvdb and sync your ... |
27 | 46,425 | 57,843 | yaml_record | Use YAML for persisted data with ActiveModel interface |
28 | 91,480 | 36,705 | backburner_mailer | Plugin for sending asynchronous email with Backburner |
29 | 99,307 | 57,843 | hipchat_bot | Easily create hipchat bots that can respond to anything! |