Nesquena's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,2291,579danteTurn any process into a demon.
21,4081,822rablGeneral ruby templating with json, bson, xml and msgpack support
31,9776,115callsiteCaller/backtrace parser with some useful utilities for manipulating the load path, and ...
42,4463,361padrino-helpersTag helpers, asset helpers, form helpers, form builders and many more helpers for padrino
52,5773,252padrino-supportA number of support methods and extensions for Padrino framework
63,8126,126beaneaterSimple beanstalkd client for ruby
74,0065,363padrino-coreThe Padrino core gem required for use of this framework
84,0836,573backburnerBeanstalk background job processing made easy
94,4296,009padrino-mailerMailer system for padrino allowing easy delivery of application emails
104,4375,901padrino-genGenerators for easily creating and building padrino applications from the console
114,4636,000padrino-adminAdmin View for Padrino applications
124,5186,032padrinoThe Godfather of Sinatra provides a full-stack agnostic framework on top of Sinatra
134,7266,000padrino-cacheCaching support for memcached, page and fragment
144,9537,301query_reviewerRuns explain before each select query and displays results in an overlayed div
157,5496,369airtableEasily connect to airtable data using ruby with access to all of the airtable features.
169,41926,609sinatra_moreExpands sinatra with standard helpers and tools to allow for complex applications
1713,47031,663gitdocsOpen-source Dropbox using Ruby and Git.
1815,26486,038cap-recipesBattle-tested capistrano recipes for debian, passenger, apache, delayed_job, juggernaut...
1918,06926,609padrino-contribContributed plugins and utilities for the Padrino Ruby Web Framework
2023,32553,556padrino-routingEnhances padrino with a named route mapping system allowing for advanced routes
2123,73453,556padrino-performanceA gem for finding performance problems in Padrino by tracking loads and memory consumpt...
2228,01953,556reneeThe super-friendly web framework.
2328,07886,038renee-coreThe super-friendly rack helpers.
2429,32853,556renee-renderThe super-friendly web framework rendering component.
2529,48853,556sheet_mapperMap google spreadsheets to ruby objects.
2629,96135,920tvdbrUtilize the TVDB API from Ruby to fetch shows, track updates to the tvdb and sync your ...
2746,04042,025yaml_recordUse YAML for persisted data with ActiveModel interface
2891,02986,038backburner_mailerPlugin for sending asynchronous email with Backburner
2998,81942,025hipchat_botEasily create hipchat bots that can respond to anything!