Kurko's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1357712active_model_serializersActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con...
249,38163,432apisyncOfficial client to apisync.io
354,79063,432emerald-railsBrings Emerald.js into your Rails app automagically
458,10063,432craneThis gem allows you to easily send files from your project to a remote server via F...
563,60263,432apisync-railsUse this gem if you're using Rails. If you're not using Rails, then use apisync-ruby gem.
668,07822,084search_loggerThis gem reads keywords from a given XML file, searching them on Google. All results ar...
772,95963,432vitoVito installs webservers for you very easily. Its goal is to be opinionated, with a sha...
873,84063,432flyingVerifies if each given server is not down.
989,17363,432cas-cmsDescription of Cas.
1097,36563,432omniscientClone DBs from one machine to another.
11110,48163,432halWrite a gem description
12120,29163,432ud_syncThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
13122,52663,432datamapper2Implements the DataMapper pattern for you.
14128,62463,432omniAlias for Omniscient, don\'t use this gem'
15130,83063,432kanjiAttempt to create a gem based on machine learning for recognize japanese Kanjis in images.
16131,27163,432yatchCreates an interfaces with access to the main components of a server, allowing one ...
17160,89030,305doc_orchestraThis gem manages generating documents, testing them against real endpoints, publishing ...
19168,41463,432mqtaLog messages from a RabbitMQ exchange.