Brauliobo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,64630,305eita-jrailsRJS and JqueryHelper/JqueryUiHelper with the same API from prototype-rails gem, for Rai...
236,17012,967riot_js-railsThis gem provides integration of Muut Riot with Rails
337,01312,386ruby-feedparserRuby library to parse ATOM and RSS feeds
445,37863,432less2sassDon't be tricked by the name, this actually converts from Less to Scss
556,33263,432gitorious-merge-requestManage Gitorious' merge requests (create, remove, show, ...)
662,37641,916assets_live_compileCompile and save assets on demand instead of using rake assets:precompile
7176,58819,893whisper.cppA Ruby gem that provides bindings to the whisper.cpp library for speech transcription.