1 | 1,826 | 2,116 | sneakers | Fast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ |
2 | 9,723 | 7,524 | benchmark-ipsa | Benchmark IPS with allocations |
3 | 20,577 | 17,444 | version_bumper | Simply bump your versions |
4 | 23,603 | 23,626 | vitals | Flexible StatsD instrumentation for Rails, Rack, Grape and more |
5 | 26,673 | 35,920 | padrino-warden | basic helpers and authentication methods for using warden with padrino also providing s... |
6 | 29,668 | 16,361 | rack-ping | Health checking Rack middleware |
7 | 39,409 | 86,038 | frenzy_bunnies | RabbitMQ JRuby based workers on top of hot_bunnies |
8 | 54,576 | 53,556 | mediumize | Turn your markdown style blog posts from Jekyll, middleman and others to Medium posts a... |
9 | 58,055 | 86,038 | datafusion | xxx |
10 | 59,192 | 26,609 | hog | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
11 | 70,769 | 86,038 | dredd | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
12 | 75,673 | 86,038 | es-diag | Elastic Search diagnostics tool |
13 | 82,341 | 86,038 | moxy | Moxy is a mock (programmable) proxy |
14 | 89,567 | 53,556 | apophis | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
15 | 97,534 | 86,038 | passage | A simple, tweakable OpenID provider for private use. |
16 | 97,968 | 42,025 | lg | log your memories onto virtual logbooks made of Gists |
17 | 106,816 | 86,038 | spadeio | Intelligent content scraping - Ruby driver, see http://spade.io for more. |
18 | 114,024 | 86,038 | assh | ssh productivity tools for Amazon EC2 |
19 | 115,216 | 86,038 | rails_clone | Create a clone of a base Rails app. Useful for generating an app out of a base template... |
20 | 120,324 | 86,038 | vcr-rcv | VCR in reverse. Use RCV to do consumer driven contract testing with your existing VCR t... |
21 | 121,855 | 42,025 | jill | Jill is your README.md assistant |
22 | 123,865 | 86,038 | spike | Quickly generate skeletons for web design projects, mockups, etc. with your choice of f... |
23 | 128,102 | 42,025 | jekyll-autoembed | A Jekyll plugin for auto embedding links |
24 | 131,777 | 86,038 | statsd-cli | Report statsd metrics with commandline Statsd |
25 | 138,185 | 86,038 | roundtrip | Simple business process/transactions tracking and metrics service |
26 | 156,297 | 86,038 | datafactory | A tool that helps you generate data into multiple databases |