1 | 8,010 | 42,025 | paperclip-sftp | SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) storage for Paperclip. |
2 | 8,977 | 6,942 | spectator-validates_email | Rails plugin to validate email addresses against RFC 2822 and RFC 3696 |
3 | 17,190 | 10,473 | linked-list | Ruby implementation of Doubly Linked List, following some Ruby idioms. |
4 | 23,615 | 35,920 | affirm-ruby | Ruby client library for Affirm.com API |
5 | 34,384 | 86,038 | spectator-attr_encrypted | Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparently. This fork i... |
6 | 133,998 | 86,038 | capistrano3-campfire | Simple Campfire notifications for Capistrano 3 |