Dylanvaughn's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,6201,922aws_cf_signerRuby gem for signing AWS Cloudfront URLs for serving private content.
210,89135,920simple_deployOpinionated gem for Managing AWS Cloud Formation stacks and deploying updates to Instan...
312,30311,450heirloomI help build and manage building tar.gz files and deploying them into the cloud
443,68986,038aws-alert-monitorI watch an SQS queue and escalate alert messages.
578,42853,556stlondemand-rvideoInspect and transcode video and audio files.
685,67186,038dylanvaughn-bluepillBluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...
7120,51886,038closure-templatesGenerates methods / code for server and client-side use of Google Closure Templates wit...
8130,09686,038cheftestGem providing rake tasks to help with chef cookbook testing