1 | 10,219 | 10,969 | tokenizer | A simple multilingual tokenizer for NLP tasks. This tool provides a CLI and a library f... |
2 | 10,911 | 17,570 | bind-it | BindIt is a thin wrapper over the Ruby-Java-Bridge (Rjb) to facilitate the creation of ... |
3 | 11,939 | 20,663 | stanford-core-nlp | High-level Ruby bindings to the Stanford CoreNLP package, a set natural language proces... |
4 | 22,227 | 24,889 | birch | A basic Ruby tree implementation with an optional C extension for speed. |
5 | 27,123 | 59,086 | wlapi | WLAPI is a programmatic API for web services providedby the project Wortschatz, Univers... |
6 | 41,870 | 59,086 | yanapi | YANAPI is a programmatic API for Yahoo! Answers web services. It enables you to search ... |
7 | 64,223 | 17,570 | shalmaneser | SHALMANESER - SHALlow seMANtic parSER. This package provides a toolbox for
Semantic Rol... |
8 | 67,698 | 35,677 | yanser | YANSER (Yahoo! ANSwers harvestER) is a convinient search tool providing access to the Y... |
9 | 71,399 | 35,677 | treetagger-ruby | This package contains a simple wrapper for the TreeTagger, a POS tagger based on decisi... |
10 | 81,891 | 35,677 | lita-bor | Lita handler for http://bash.im |
11 | 110,576 | 28,543 | shalmaneser-fred | FRED - Frame Disambiguation. |
12 | 112,444 | 28,543 | shalmaneser-rosy | ROSY - ROle assignment SYstem. |
13 | 137,388 | 35,677 | shalmaneser-frappe | Frappe - Fred and Rosy PreProcEssor. |
14 | 140,088 | 35,677 | shalmaneser-lib | Common facilities for Shalmaneser and its modules. |
15 | 160,065 | 35,677 | babelnet | Babelnet is a programmatic API Library for Babelnet. |
16 | 165,174 | 59,086 | frprep | FRPREP - Fred and Rosy PREProcessor. |
17 | 167,107 | 59,086 | nlfw | Natural Language Framework is intended to be a collection of bindings for Ruby and prov... |
18 | 172,144 | 59,086 | shalmaneser-prep | PREP - Fred and Rosy PREProcessor. |
19 | 173,472 | 59,086 | conll | Write a longer description or delete this line. |
20 | 173,762 | 59,086 | germanet | Write a longer description or delete this line. |
21 | 173,874 | 59,086 | framenet | Write a longer description or delete this line. |
22 | 174,351 | 59,086 | stxml | Write a longer description or delete this line. |