Arbox's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,1586,374tokenizerA simple multilingual tokenizer for NLP tasks. This tool provides a CLI and a library f...
210,72761,367bind-itBindIt is a thin wrapper over the Ruby-Java-Bridge (Rjb) to facilitate the creation of ...
311,71061,367stanford-core-nlpHigh-level Ruby bindings to the Stanford CoreNLP package, a set natural language proces...
422,05161,367birchA basic Ruby tree implementation with an optional C extension for speed.
526,85961,367wlapiWLAPI is a programmatic API for web services providedby the project Wortschatz, Univers...
641,57361,367yanapiYANAPI is a programmatic API for Yahoo! Answers web services. It enables you to search ...
764,03361,367shalmaneserSHALMANESER - SHALlow seMANtic parSER. This package provides a toolbox for Semantic Rol...
867,37061,367yanserYANSER (Yahoo! ANSwers harvestER) is a convinient search tool providing access to the Y...
971,14261,367treetagger-rubyThis package contains a simple wrapper for the TreeTagger, a POS tagger based on decisi...
1081,38561,367lita-borLita handler for
11110,40561,367shalmaneser-fredFRED - Frame Disambiguation.
12112,24961,367shalmaneser-rosyROSY - ROle assignment SYstem.
13137,12861,367shalmaneser-frappeFrappe - Fred and Rosy PreProcEssor.
14139,86661,367shalmaneser-libCommon facilities for Shalmaneser and its modules.
15159,77961,367babelnetBabelnet is a programmatic API Library for Babelnet.
16164,52361,367frprepFRPREP - Fred and Rosy PREProcessor.
17166,47041,086nlfwNatural Language Framework is intended to be a collection of bindings for Ruby and prov...
18171,44761,367shalmaneser-prepPREP - Fred and Rosy PREProcessor.
19172,82561,367conllWrite a longer description or delete this line.
20173,15861,367germanetWrite a longer description or delete this line.
21173,25461,367framenetWrite a longer description or delete this line.
22173,73561,367stxmlWrite a longer description or delete this line.