1 | 51,782 | 61,367 | line_buffer | A ruby implementation of yielding lines when streaming data to a buffer |
2 | 56,854 | 61,367 | dunder | For tasks that can be started early and evaluated late.
Typically one might want sta... |
3 | 70,183 | 23,402 | mongo-retry | mongo-retry helper |
4 | 91,653 | 61,367 | backoff | Implements exponential backoff when matching exception is caught |
5 | 105,929 | 61,367 | s3_streaming_multipart_uploader | Stream data to S3 via enumerator |
6 | 125,107 | 61,367 | pubsub_dumper | pubsub_dumper |
7 | 137,503 | 61,367 | tivoli | AOP in 100 lines of ruby |
8 | 138,489 | 61,367 | simple_bigtable_client | A simple abstraction of reading and writing to bigtable |
9 | 153,501 | 61,367 | enumerator_io_reader | Read a byte stream from your enumerable |
10 | 158,050 | 25,716 | rubocop_fonsan_style | An opionated rubocop style |
11 | 166,816 | 61,367 | gcs_stream_upload | Google Cloud Storage streaming uploader |
12 | 170,837 | 61,367 | retrying_s3_client | Wraps Aws::S3::Client with a exponential backoff for 503 responses |
13 | 175,581 | 61,367 | grand_id_simple | A simple wrapper around the grandid api |