1 | 19,653 | 41,916 | guard-passenger | Guard::Passenger automatically restarts Passenger when needed. |
2 | 47,324 | 63,432 | marinetraffic | This is a API wrapper for MarineTraffic written in Ruby. You can find more information ... |
3 | 54,685 | 63,432 | context_aware_scope | Allows to add a context to a named_scope that will be passed through the whole scope chain |
4 | 67,992 | 63,432 | guard-motion | Guard::Motion automatically run your specs (much like autotest). |
5 | 71,625 | 63,432 | carabiner | Easy access to the ios keychain |
6 | 93,850 | 63,432 | guard-ego | Guard::Ego automatically restarts guard when needed |
7 | 128,231 | 63,432 | multitenant-pg | Rails multitenancy with PostgreSQL schemas. |
8 | 135,665 | 41,916 | POpen4-mingw | Open4 cross-platform |