1 | 11,535 | 17,885 | rqrcode-with-patches | rQRCode is a library for encoding QR Codes. The simple
interface allows you to create Q... |
2 | 11,692 | 26,806 | burp_cms | A CMS that tries hard to not get in your way! |
3 | 29,801 | 43,406 | keepitsafe | A Gem for simple creation of backup scripts |
4 | 35,174 | 66,923 | barby-chunky_png | A pure-Ruby barcode generator that works in 1.9.2, for me!, its a fork some other barby... |
5 | 39,306 | 43,406 | pgmodelgen | Rake task that generates/updates activerecord models based on current schema in the pos... |
6 | 40,758 | 66,923 | mailbuilder-preview | A nice helper when setting the styling for an email. |
7 | 59,157 | 66,923 | before_and_after | It adds the methods (before?, after?, within_last?, within_coming?) to Time |
8 | 60,678 | 66,923 | dibs_hmac | An implementation of DIBS Message authentication code. Has correct sorting and rules fo... |
9 | 64,062 | 43,406 | mayi | A plugable access rights API. Meant to make integrations easier. Werry useful as an int... |
10 | 66,429 | 66,923 | mailbuilder | A simple ERB template mail builder. It creates an email with inline images. Very nice =) |
11 | 72,810 | 66,923 | whenever-delorean | Helper for integration testing. It helps you trigger your whener runners. |
12 | 74,547 | 66,923 | keso | Cottage cheees with lots of relational theory. Or mabye not so much theory =( |
13 | 79,131 | 66,923 | active-keso | A way to get cottage cheese out off activerecord |
14 | 80,945 | 66,923 | maillogger | A delivery method that wrapps another delivery method and logs all successfull deliveri... |
15 | 111,648 | 66,923 | AppFormBuilder | longer description of your gem |
16 | 132,129 | 66,923 | precssious | Merges CSS files and allows nested declarations |