Yoomee's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
130,66840,844yoomee-mongosphinxA full text indexing extension for MongoDB using Sphinx.
245,51460,752inflectiousExtends ActiveSupport::Inflector to include grammatical inflections such as adjectivize...
354,06469,337yoomee-acts_as_mongo_taggableA ruby gem for acts_as_taggable to mongo
464,92777,363yoomee-decent_exposureDecentExposure helps you program to an interface, rather than an implementation in ...
573,68438,022pinfirmableReplace devise confirmable with a pin emailed to users which they enter after signup
6116,157139,268datetimespanRender a date/time span according to an strftime pattern. Only works with sensibly orde...
7123,618139,268yoomee-searchlogicSearchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive.
8128,456139,268yoomee-rwebthumbrwebthumb provides a ruby interface for the webthumb.bluga.net.