1 | 30,668 | 40,844 | yoomee-mongosphinx | A full text indexing extension for MongoDB using Sphinx. |
2 | 45,514 | 60,752 | inflectious | Extends ActiveSupport::Inflector to include grammatical inflections such as adjectivize... |
3 | 54,064 | 69,337 | yoomee-acts_as_mongo_taggable | A ruby gem for acts_as_taggable to mongo |
4 | 64,927 | 77,363 | yoomee-decent_exposure | DecentExposure helps you program to an interface, rather than an
implementation in ... |
5 | 73,684 | 38,022 | pinfirmable | Replace devise confirmable with a pin emailed to users which they enter after signup |
6 | 116,157 | 139,268 | datetimespan | Render a date/time span according to an strftime pattern. Only works with sensibly orde... |
7 | 123,618 | 139,268 | yoomee-searchlogic | Searchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive. |
8 | 128,456 | 139,268 | yoomee-rwebthumb | rwebthumb provides a ruby interface for the webthumb.bluga.net. |