Diogob's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,0154,043postgres-copyNow you can use the super fast COPY for import/export data directly from your AR models.
25,1727,346activerecord-postgres-hstoreThis gem adds support for the postgres hstore type. It is the _just right_ alternative ...
37,95416,657catarse_pagarmePagar.me engine for catarse
48,8097,443activerecord-postgres-earthdistanceThis gem enables your model to query the database using the earthdistance ...
58,9318,278carrierwave-postgresqlThis gem adds to carrierwave a storage facility which will use the PostgreSQL's oid dat...
613,08361,367catarse_moipMoIP integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform
722,68061,367catarse_paypal_expressPaypalExpress integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform
823,80561,367postgresql_lo_streamerA simple engine of one controller that will use PostgreSQL LO interface and retrieve a ...
924,78761,367dbheroBased on heroku dataclips feature, SQL -> Dataset
1028,99741,086user_notifierSimple pattern for keeping track of messages sent to users based on model events with d...
1131,85961,367compass-columnal-pluginThe Columnal CSS grid system is a “remix” of a couple others with some custom code thro...
1236,31261,367croodsA framework for creating CRUDs in Rails APIs
1338,81961,367catarse_settings_dbProvide a Settings class to be used in Catarse that will store all data on a table cont...
1440,14761,367herculesVery simple deployment tool. It was made to deploy rails applications using github, bun...
1550,78961,367catarse_creditsCredits integration for catarse
1652,82533,893activerecord-postgres-copyThis version is obsolete, please use the postgres-copy gem
17110,24461,367zendesk_engineThis engine provides a controller to create tickets through zendesk API
18115,96561,367activerecord-pgtimeoutThis gem provides a very simple interface where one can wrap a lambda within a timeouta...
19139,15041,086mezzalunaSlice your PostgreSQL tables in uniform partitions using the id module
20147,79241,086moip_v2Ruby wrapper to MoIP v2 API