1 | 1,529 | 628 | email_validator | An email validator for Rails 3+. See homepage for details: http://github.com/K-and-R/em... |
2 | 21,926 | 42,524 | sunspot_mongo | Sunspot support for Mongo Mapper and Mongoid. |
3 | 29,555 | 20,604 | gdata_plus | Simple, easy to use GData API that supports OAuth, Ruby 1.8/1.9 and uses Typhoeus as an... |
4 | 30,316 | 51,783 | font_awesome | Font Awesome for the Rails asset pipeline. Doesn't depend on SASS or LESS and properly ... |
5 | 49,411 | 51,783 | openid_dalli_store | Monkey patch that allows the Dalli memcache client to be used as an OpenID store |
6 | 57,674 | 74,484 | spamster | Simple spam filtering that works with any Ruby application and can be set up in minutes... |
7 | 64,697 | 51,783 | qwiki | A command-line web server that renders wiki markup files. It's handy when you want a qu... |
8 | 68,411 | 51,783 | backup_cleaner | A command-line script for cleaning up old backups |
9 | 99,190 | 42,524 | markup_model | Under construction |
10 | 101,992 | 74,484 | just_underscore | Just underscore.js. |
11 | 104,503 | 74,484 | rack_gzfile | Rack::File meets gzip_static |
12 | 135,084 | 74,484 | just_backbone | Just backbone.js. No generators or template engine dependencies. |
13 | 135,272 | 74,484 | conditional_http_auth | HTTP basic auth for staging environments. |
14 | 136,003 | 74,484 | just_normalize_css | normalize.css for the rails asset pipeline |