1 | 27,045 | 86,038 | semantically-taggable | Based really very heavily on acts_as_taggable_on, but introduces tagging schemes and mo... |
2 | 63,737 | 86,038 | rgarner-csv-mapper | CSV Mapper makes it easy to import data from CSV files directly to a collection of any ... |
3 | 84,025 | 42,025 | webmachine-actionview | Brings ActionView to webmachine-ruby |
4 | 109,025 | 86,038 | snapbot | A `save_and_open_diagram` tool to visualise ActiveRecord test records |
5 | 123,228 | 86,038 | archive_lister | Ask archives about URLs |
6 | 123,581 | 53,556 | hubish | Imports and exports issues from github per-project |
7 | 132,732 | 86,038 | tagit | Use git to manage your rationally-versioned releases |
8 | 134,161 | 86,038 | clipr | Trims single-lap Garmin TCX files to remove empty space at the end of the file |
9 | 181,687 | 53,556 | pagy-govuk | A Pagy Extra that renders GOV.UK pagination |