Rgarner's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,04586,038semantically-taggableBased really very heavily on acts_as_taggable_on, but introduces tagging schemes and mo...
263,73786,038rgarner-csv-mapperCSV Mapper makes it easy to import data from CSV files directly to a collection of any ...
384,02542,025webmachine-actionviewBrings ActionView to webmachine-ruby
4109,02586,038snapbotA `save_and_open_diagram` tool to visualise ActiveRecord test records
5123,22886,038archive_listerAsk archives about URLs
6123,58153,556hubishImports and exports issues from github per-project
7132,73286,038tagitUse git to manage your rationally-versioned releases
8134,16186,038cliprTrims single-lap Garmin TCX files to remove empty space at the end of the file
9181,68753,556pagy-govukA Pagy Extra that renders GOV.UK pagination