Betamatt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,91780,049newrelic-faradayFaraday instrumentation for Newrelic.
261,92580,049viximo-rack-throttleRack middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
363,94630,826capistrano_s3A deployment strategy for capistrano using S3
467,57980,049statsd-default_instrumentationProvides a default set of instrumentation for Rails and common caching libraries.
578,34180,049newrelic_tagEnable newrelic reporting based on an EC2 tag.
697,24346,897airbrake-faraday_senderAirbrake sender implementation usign Faraday. Faraday's pluggable backends allow Airbra...
798,72646,897airbrake-resqueEnqueues Airbrake notifications in Resque.
899,15580,049updawgA simple way to see what's up, dawg (and what's not.)
9111,10946,897delayed_job-rails_reloaderReload classes on each job run. This plugin assumes that you are running DelayedJob in ...
10121,13080,049chokepointWrap arbitrary blocks with a chokpoint to throttle access. Chokepoints can be extended ...
11128,48580,049local_configAllows a local configuration file to modify Rails environment.
12130,64380,049viximo-cache-moneyWrite-through and Read-through Cacheing for ActiveRecord