1 | 4,495 | 6,541 | semantic-ui-sass | Semantic UI, converted to Sass and ready to drop into Rails, Compass, or Sprockets. |
2 | 8,717 | 5,861 | bootstrap-sass-extras | bootstrap-sass extras. |
3 | 75,530 | 32,525 | activestorage_upyun | Upyun service for activestorage |
4 | 80,596 | 54,789 | activeadmin-mongomapper | ActiveAdmin hacks to support mongomapper (some ActiveAdmin features are disabled) |
5 | 82,223 | 54,789 | kindeditor | Rails KindEditor integration plugin with paperclip support for rails3 Rc,it supports ac... |
6 | 95,868 | 54,789 | xlsxtream_rails | Xlsx stream download for rails. |
7 | 100,891 | 54,789 | mongoid_autoinc_id | Auto increment id for mongoid 3.0 |
8 | 104,316 | 54,789 | baidu_ueditor_rails5 | Baidu ueditor for rails. |
9 | 119,310 | 54,789 | capybara-padrino | Capybara and rspec config for padrino. |
10 | 122,137 | 54,789 | iconify-ruby | Iconify ruby tools. |
11 | 168,380 | 54,789 | city_picker | Rails gem to select chinese area, eg province, city, district and county. |
12 | 170,459 | 54,789 | svg_icon | Svg icon render helper for rails. |
13 | 184,299 | 54,789 | do_role | DoRole provides a clean and intuitive way to manage roles and permissions in Rails appl... |