Rubypond's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,3567,362databasedotcom[DEPRECATED] A ruby wrapper for the REST API. Try restforce instead: https://...
217,17522,644rails-database-urlSets DATABASE_URL, if it's not set already, to the appropriate value out of the Rails c...
322,72384,493activerecord_url_connectionsAllows database connections to be defined as URLS, then converted to hash for use in Ac...
423,68584,493addons-clientAddons Platform API client
531,42733,052objectbouncerA simple DSL and object proxy to restrict access to instances of your classes based on ...
635,758147,291abingoA split testing framework for Rails 3.x.x
749,47147,929rack_stagingAutomatically protects your staging app from web crawlers and casual visitors.
865,124147,291activerecord-concurrent-indexConcurrently adds database indexes
968,86371,169monkeywrenchA ruby API for managing lists, campaigns, subscribers, etc. within Mailchimp (http://ww...
1073,19771,169monkey_wrenchA ruby API for managing lists, campaigns, subscribers, etc. within Mailchimp (http://ww...
1197,884107,887heroku_notificationA client gem for interacting with the REST-based Heroku Notifications API
12101,48860,549rack-syntax-highlighterUses Albino and Pygmentize to add highlighting to code blocks
13102,44084,493ruby-psqlPostgres psql binary
14117,723107,887hamstacheHamstache allows you to use the cleanliness of HAML while still taking advantage of the...
15134,58484,493recklesslyAllows you to execute code, and then have any exceptions handled in a generic way (like...