Suzumura_ss's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
183,74663,432io-afcAccess to the file system of iOS devices from Ruby.
288,49863,432file_teeThis is file access utility like 'tee'.
3111,20863,432cookie_http_clientHTTP clinet with cookie support.
4124,70563,432utility_belt_r19utility_belt for ruby 1.9.
5132,37541,916regexp_union_hack_for_r186Regexp#union hack for Ruby-1.8.6..
6136,93963,432frank_afc_proxyConnect to FrankServer with iPhone USB cable via afc.
7137,36963,432exif_weatherGet weather information based on GPS information of JPEG.
8148,22963,432bridge_socketBridge character device or socket. ex: physical serial device...