1 | 6,094 | 6,637 | faraday-digestauth | Faraday extension to enable digest auth |
2 | 24,023 | 97,623 | cinch-pax-timer | Cinch plugin that allows users to see the relative time till the various PAX events |
3 | 24,103 | 97,623 | cinch-dicebag | Cinch Plugin that allows uses in the channel to roll specific dice or roll a random ass... |
4 | 25,620 | 97,623 | cinch-toolbox | A gem of various methods used in many of my plugins. If you need the namespace, let me ... |
5 | 35,001 | 97,623 | cinch-hangouts | Cinch Plugin to track any Google Hangouts that are linked into the channel |
6 | 38,706 | 92,615 | cinch-urbandict | Cinch Plugin to fetch definition data from Urban Dictionary |
7 | 40,106 | 97,623 | cinch-test | A collection of utility methods, mocks and methods for testing Cinch plugins |
8 | 40,618 | 97,623 | cinch-storage | Simple YAML backed Storage for Cinch plugins. |
9 | 41,072 | 97,623 | cinch-cooldown | This gem allows you to set a shared timer across plugins that are configured to respect... |
10 | 44,755 | 37,474 | steam-api | Simple Steam Gem |
11 | 45,539 | 97,623 | cinch-seen | Cinch Plugin to allow users to find out how long it's been since a user was active |
12 | 45,868 | 97,623 | cinch-links-tumblr | Cinch gem that logs every link posted in the channel to a Tumblr |
13 | 49,221 | 97,623 | cinch-twitterstatus | Cinch IRC bot Plugin that access the Twitter API to post the content of linked twitter ... |
14 | 49,740 | 97,623 | cinch-wikipedia | Cinch plugin that fetches a truncated blurb from the head of a wikipedia page. |
15 | 50,971 | 97,623 | cinch-karma | Cinch Plugin to track karma (item++ / item--) in the channel |
16 | 51,334 | 97,623 | cinch-weatherman | Cinch Plugin to get Weather data using the Weather-Underground gem |
17 | 51,384 | 97,623 | cinch-magic | Cinch Plugin that searches http://magiccards.info/ for card information. |
18 | 58,675 | 97,623 | cinch-convert | Cinch Plugin for Coverting Units via the units binary |
19 | 58,679 | 97,623 | cinch-links-logger | Cinch Plugin to track links in the channel |
20 | 58,699 | 97,623 | cinch-simplecalc | Cinch Plugin that passes simple numeric math propblems to the Calc gem |
21 | 60,150 | 97,623 | cinch-notes | A cinch plugin to allow leaving other users notes. |
22 | 67,444 | 97,623 | cinch-logsearch | Cinch Plugin to search log files for users. |
23 | 78,622 | 97,623 | cinch-calculate | Cinch Plugin to alow users to pass mathematical problems to the bot for evaluation |
24 | 79,456 | 9,193 | teyvatdb | Gem to provide basic genshin data to my other projects |
25 | 82,156 | 97,623 | cinch-links-titles | Cinch Plugin to print link titles to the channel |
26 | 84,730 | 97,623 | cinch-lastactive | Cinch Plugin to greet users with the time since last activity |
27 | 105,254 | 97,623 | cinch-sudo | Cinch Plugin to report usage of Sudo to the channel |
28 | 107,006 | 97,623 | cinch-twitterwatch | Cinch plugin that watches for new tweets from users. |
29 | 113,107 | 97,623 | has_many_friends | Simple Models for managing simple friendship relationships. |
30 | 130,313 | 97,623 | cinch-logger-canonical | Cinch logger that logs basic irc channel chatter |
31 | 141,691 | 97,623 | cinch-twitch | Cinch Plugin for monitoring TwitchTV streams |
32 | 158,561 | 97,623 | cinch-rabbit | Cinch Plugin to track any Rabbit that are linked into the channel |