Bhaberer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,0946,637faraday-digestauthFaraday extension to enable digest auth
224,02397,623cinch-pax-timerCinch plugin that allows users to see the relative time till the various PAX events
324,10397,623cinch-dicebagCinch Plugin that allows uses in the channel to roll specific dice or roll a random ass...
425,62097,623cinch-toolboxA gem of various methods used in many of my plugins. If you need the namespace, let me ...
535,00197,623cinch-hangoutsCinch Plugin to track any Google Hangouts that are linked into the channel
638,70692,615cinch-urbandictCinch Plugin to fetch definition data from Urban Dictionary
740,10697,623cinch-testA collection of utility methods, mocks and methods for testing Cinch plugins
840,61897,623cinch-storageSimple YAML backed Storage for Cinch plugins.
941,07297,623cinch-cooldownThis gem allows you to set a shared timer across plugins that are configured to respect...
1044,75537,474steam-apiSimple Steam Gem
1145,53997,623cinch-seenCinch Plugin to allow users to find out how long it's been since a user was active
1245,86897,623cinch-links-tumblrCinch gem that logs every link posted in the channel to a Tumblr
1349,22197,623cinch-twitterstatusCinch IRC bot Plugin that access the Twitter API to post the content of linked twitter ...
1449,74097,623cinch-wikipediaCinch plugin that fetches a truncated blurb from the head of a wikipedia page.
1550,97197,623cinch-karmaCinch Plugin to track karma (item++ / item--) in the channel
1651,33497,623cinch-weathermanCinch Plugin to get Weather data using the Weather-Underground gem
1751,38497,623cinch-magicCinch Plugin that searches for card information.
1858,67597,623cinch-convertCinch Plugin for Coverting Units via the units binary
1958,67997,623cinch-links-loggerCinch Plugin to track links in the channel
2058,69997,623cinch-simplecalcCinch Plugin that passes simple numeric math propblems to the Calc gem
2160,15097,623cinch-notesA cinch plugin to allow leaving other users notes.
2267,44497,623cinch-logsearchCinch Plugin to search log files for users.
2378,62297,623cinch-calculateCinch Plugin to alow users to pass mathematical problems to the bot for evaluation
2479,4569,193teyvatdbGem to provide basic genshin data to my other projects
2582,15697,623cinch-links-titlesCinch Plugin to print link titles to the channel
2684,73097,623cinch-lastactiveCinch Plugin to greet users with the time since last activity
27105,25497,623cinch-sudoCinch Plugin to report usage of Sudo to the channel
28107,00697,623cinch-twitterwatchCinch plugin that watches for new tweets from users.
29113,10797,623has_many_friendsSimple Models for managing simple friendship relationships.
30130,31397,623cinch-logger-canonicalCinch logger that logs basic irc channel chatter
31141,69197,623cinch-twitchCinch Plugin for monitoring TwitchTV streams
32158,56197,623cinch-rabbitCinch Plugin to track any Rabbit that are linked into the channel