Gudleik's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,65420,054klarna-checkoutRuby Wrapper for Klarna Checkout Rest API
219,39786,038efo_nelfoParser for EFONELFO format
346,20353,556rails-dev-bundleMetagem with dependencies to helpful developer gems
453,17386,038autoexec_batAutoexecution of javascript based on data attribute
559,17486,038gem-toolboxGem-Toolbox is a RubyGems plugin that adds extra commands to RubyGems: open, cd, doc, h...
663,31186,038rack-casualRack middleware for authentication using CAS and/or token
772,03686,038doctor_scrapeLibrary for scraping norwegian doctoral dissertations
874,26686,038aloha-railsaloha-editor in Rails 3
9102,98986,038time_machineDevelopment tool for changing in your rails app
10127,00686,038rails-skeletonJumpstart new rails projects by cloning existing skeleton projects
11131,42286,038twitter-bootstrappedTwitter Bootstrap 2 for Rails 3
12136,54386,038skalar-bluepillBluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...